What if I told you that facials don't have to be expensive or time-consuming? Wouldn't that be great! Last week, health coach Cristina Logtenberg taught us how to exfoliate our skin using just oatmeal and baking soda. This week, go buy an avocado and then click here to learn how to turn it into a great facial mask.
When I was in high school I would drink up to 6 (six!) Cokes per day. Then I got healthy and switched to Diet Coke in my 20's thinking it was a better choice. It's not ... at any age. If you are addicted to soda and want to feel better, try substituting a glass of water for one soda each day. See if you notice a difference.
Did you know I offer free Wellness Breakthrough Sessions in person and over the phone? Free, as in gratis, as in complimentary. It's the gift of an hour just for you to acknowledge your health and lifestyle goals and receive some support in pursuit of them. I'd love to help you to live better and eat better. To start this rewarding conversation, contact me.
How about you? Read any good wellness articles you'd like to share? Please post links in the Comments section. Thanks!